Saturday, April 25, 2009

Random Picture Challenge

Today Brittany challenged us to go all the way back to 2002. Unfortunately I didn't get a digital camera until 2005 so this will have to do.

For our 6th wedding anniversary Michael and I decided to be tourist around Seattle. Even though we live here we don't do a bunch of the tourist stuff. So we bought a City Pass and hit most of the attractions. The day we went to The Aquarium we went to The Crab Pot down on the pier. If you've never been is was strangely fun. The table is covered in paper then they give you those lovely bibs to wear and a mallet. They bring your food in one big pot and dump it in the middle of the table. At first I was totally taken aback by this, but then you realize that everyone is eating like that and you forget all about looking like a barbarian and enjoy your food.
Side note: Thank goodness my style has changed. I still own that shirt, but my hair look so much better now. I'm sure in 5 years I'll say the exact same thing about my hair style now though. Funny how that works!


  1. Haha, that is funny!

    You do have two handsome little men!!

  2. I was just think about how I hate my hair in all my old pics. You're right, I will probably always think the same thing lol!

  3. Being tourists in your own town is so much fun. Wait till you can take the boys, suddenly there is so much to see!!!

  4. That is a funny picture! It must have been so fun to be tourist and check out your town.
