Friday, April 24, 2009

Owen Speak

Owen knows the difference between red, blue and yellow. Sometimes he knows orange too.

He finally started saying "one"! It's a breakthrough. He used to refuse to say one he always started with two instead.

Owen is started to act and his favorite thing to pretend to do is fall down. He falls down and then gets up and says, "I fall".

Owen knows how to make the sound that a motorcycle does. He lifts is hands up like he's holding the handle bars and goes "vroom vroom."

Owen has a book that's call Yummy & Yellow. It's a book about Winnie the Pooh and how he's looking for something that's yummy and yellow. It's all about teaching the different colors. Well a few weeks ago Owen asked for this book by saying, "Yummy Pooh!"

Owen loves to point to the different chairs at the dining room table and in the car and say, "Daddy Chair, Pa Chair, GG Chair, Ga-Ga Chair, Jack Jack Chair and Mama Chair". He's correct when he points to the chairs too. He remembers where everyone sits. In the car he points to the passenger seat and says "Daddy Chair"....ha you know who does most of the driving around here. :)

We've been teaching Owen that he has to clean up his mess even if it was an accident. We don't want him to think that he can just make a mess and not be responsible for cleaning it up. Of course we help him and don't expect it to be perfect...he is only 2 years old, but still we like to teach him that everyone has a job to do. So from learning this he's learned two new words...job and mess. He's says them perfectly. It's funny when Jack drops something on the floor Owen will point and say "mess".

My hands are always cold in the morning so when I change Owen's diaper he holds his arms tight at his sides because he knows I have to touch him and it's "coeg" = cold.

Since Owen has been saying his name a lot lately he's been talking about himself in the third person. He'll say things like, "Owen's juice" or "Owen's car". It's fun to hear him take ownership of things he knows are his.

The other day the boys and I ran out to Payless Shoes because they were having a good sale. Since the store was a stand alone store and wasn't in a mall I decided to just have Owen walk and I carried Jack. While I was looking for shoes for Michael, Owen was running up to all the mirrors and looking right at himself and yelling, "Owen!" He seriously was surprised each time he saw himself in a different mirror.

Owen repeats just about everything we say now. Here are some other words he says remarkable well...

Manny - This is for Handy Manny on Playhouse Disney

Truck - He really says it well and it doesn't come out sounding bad.

Fork - He did try to say fork this morning and it did not come out sound right the first time, but I just over enunciated it and he got it the next time.

Chicken - He will only eat chicken and sausage and tuna if it's in a casserole. He will not eat beef yet.

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