Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mommy's Day Out and The Boys Day with Daddy

Last Christmas part of my present from my Mom was to have a whole day with her where she paid for the meals. Last Saturday was the day I chose to redeem my gift. We started out at Dave's Diner in Sea-Tac and then headed over to Value Village in Burien where I got some great finds. We had lunch at The Secret Garden Teahouse. If you have ever been interested in going to a tea house I would definitely suggest going to this one. The service is great, the food is excellent, atmosphere is perfect and the price is right. After that it was onto more shopping. We were going to have dinner at Spiros in Kent, but we ended up have dinner at Burger King instead because we ran out of time and we weren't that hungry since lunch was so filling. While Mom and I were having so much fun the boys were having a grand old time with Daddy too. When I got home Michael showed me the following pictures and told about the fun they had. I was so happy that I wasn't the only one that had a terrific day. I sure hope the boys know what a great Dad they have.
Here's what Michael told me happened during their boy day together. First Michael made a wonderful ham, potato, onion and cheese breakfast. It was wonderful! I almost thought about eating in rather than out. After that all the boys took a shower together. This was only the second time Jack has been in the shower and Michael said he actually enjoyed it. After the boys naps they headed out to go play mini golf. This totally shocked me that Michael would do this. I don't even think I would try to do this with the boys by myself. Captain Jack's mini golf in downtown Kent was having a Pro Show so everything was free until 3pm. Luckily Michael and the boys got there at 2:54pm. Michael said that most everyone thought it was hilarious that he was there golfing with two kids.
At first Owen was trying to hit the ball like Daddy, but then he decided it would be easier to just throw the ball and then he just started putting the ball in the hole.

Michael said that he would just pick up Jack and move him along and he would just sit right where Michael put him until it was time to move to the next hole.

Owen made it to hole 9 and then it was all over. Thankfully Michael didn't have to pay so it was no big deal that they needed to leave early.

After golfing Michael took the boys to Dairy Queen. Of course that was hit...who doesn't like ice cream. Michael said after the first bite Jack was just yelling for more.

All in all everyone had a great day and I survived! Being gone so long from the boys was definitely a test for me since Michael and I will be gone for almost 3 days next month. I did way better than I thought I would. As long as I was busy I was fine. I loved being with my Mom the whole was the best gift ever. Thanks Mom, I love you!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you got a day out. My sister and I are taking my mom to the tea house for her birthday in a couple of weeks. I hope she likes it. And I LOVE Spiro's. One of my favorite places to go when we have a date night.
