Monday, April 20, 2009

Play Date

On Thursday I took the boys to the first place I ever went when we first moved here from Wyoming...Kiwanis Park in Renton. We were meeting some friends from MOPS for a play date. It was so fun going back there. Most of the toys are different and updated, but it still brought back loads of memories.

Here is Ben and Owen riding on the car. Of course this toy was a totally hit. Owen and Ben are in the same nursery class at MOPS and they like to play together. In fact on Friday Owen asked twice if we were going to play with Ben.
Owen, Ben and Maddie loved running in this huge field. The boys were running too far away from us, but Maddie (Ben's older sister...she's 3) would say, "I'll go get them".

One of the reason I picked this park for us to play at is because I remembered they had quite a few baby swings. Owen can sit in the big ones, but it's nice to not have to worry about him falling out. This was Jack's first time in an outdoor swing. He wasn't really into it though.

After we played at the park we went to McD's had lunch and let them play on the toys there. It was a super fun, but super busy day for the boys and I.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You got some great pictures!! We had a great time with you guys! With the weather getting nicer, we'll have to check out some more parks together :)
