Sunday, April 19, 2009

The View From Here

When we were outside I decided to lay down and take pictures of the outside of our house from a different angle.

I love having a flag out in front of the house. It flies all year long. I leave the porch light on all night since it's a rule that it always be illuminated. I love Old Glory!

Since I was laying down, here's the upside down shot of the big tree in our front yard. There have been a few wind storms where I've gotten freaked out by this big tree, but it just keeps holdin' on. We've been struggling with tent caterpillars infesting it these last two summers. Michael's already cut down a bunch of branches and sprayed it twice so hopefully that will be the end of them.

Here are little sitting area. The previous owners left these chairs behind and Michael painted them to match the house. The bench in between them is one of the reasons Owen started crawling. I was putting it together in the living room and he HAD to get to the screws.

This ironing board used to be in my kitchen at the condo, but there is just no room in our kitchen now so it's outside. I bought it at an old, new and in between store in Auburn.

Here's our outside light. I love it and I love that we use the compact fluorescent light bulbs, but I wish they could make them more attractive.

1 comment:

  1. That was fun!!! Now you kinda see what it's like from Jack's perspective! :)
