Monday, September 21, 2009

Puyallup Fair

We have gone to the Puyallup Fair every year since having kids. Before that I don't think I had been since I was 19. The Fair wasn't really my's expensive, you have to pay to park and the traffic and crowds just didn't excite me. Now that we have kids though it's so much fun to see the joy in their eyes and experience things from their level.
For the last two years we've gone with our friend's Micah and Kim, but since we've had such a limited amount of time to spend as a family we decided that the 4 of us should just go and have some special family time. Thankfully we did not have a repeat of last year and the weather was perfect!!! It's hard to believe this was Owen's third time at the fair and well...Jack's third time as well since I was pregnant with him the first time we took Owen.

Michael wore Owen in the backpack for the beginning half of the day and Jack rode in the stroller, but halfway through we switched them around.

Owen and Jack love animals so we knew we'd have to spend a good amount of time checking them out up close.

This pig was certain he could escape if he just worked on that latch a little bit longer.

I had seen picture from another friend who had gone to the fair that there was a mama pig and piglets so I knew I wanted to see them.

Oh my goodness...those cute little piggies!!! There was actually two mama pigs one with a litter that was 2 days old and the other was 3 days old.

There was another fair goer that was checking out the piglets and he started naming them....bacon, ham and pork chop!!! It's funny, but at the same time not. They are too cute to think that they might end up as food.

Owen just kept saying the llamas were "So Messy" because they all had hay on their heads.

That is one very big and we think pregnant cow!

This made me laugh!

After lunch I saw that there was a free face painting booth so I took the boys to get sharks put on their faces. Jack did really great, but I was by myself since Michael was taking Owen to the bathroom so I couldn't hold him and get pictures at the same time.

Owen didn't really like the feel of the air on his face so he wouldn't let her finish the shark by putting sunglasses on him, but it still looks cute.

Here's what it was supposed to look like. That's one stylin' shark!

We weren't sure if Owen was going to want to go on the rides, but the more he saw them he kept asking to go so we bought 20 tickets (way more expensive than I remember them being when I was little) and set out on an adventure. There was this fire truck that immediately caught Owen's eye. He was barely tall enough and I wasn't sure he would like it, but he ended up having a great time.

Michael took this awesome picture of me and Owen. I love it....he was so happy that mommy was sharing in this moment with him. He's getting so big!!!

We got really high! ;) The operator was really fun too because he ran the ride forward and then backwards and then he brought it down and we thought it was over, but then at the last minute he made us go back up. That made Owen laugh so hard!

All done! Once the ride stopped the operator opened the doors for us and Owen immediately grabbed the door and shut it and said, "Again!" It was so funny! I wanted him to try a few more rides since there were so many to choose from and I really did need to go on this ride with him and I didn't want to waste 4 more tickets on me riding the ride.

The next ride was another fire truck...this one just went around and around. He was so focused on the ride that he didn't even notice us until the last 3 turns and then he was all smiles and waves.

Then Owen spotted the cars!!!
I was too tall to go on these with him and he couldn't go by himself. He ended up riding on this twice and both times in the pink car with a girl driving him around.

This is how he looked the whole time. Just chillin' out, enjoyin' the ride! He never once touched the steering wheel.

Almost done...he did really good once we were out of tickets. I thought he would have a major meltdown, but I think he was done. Next year we are going to go during the week so we can buy the dizzy passes and go on as many rides as we want. This year Jack was too young and too short, but next year I'm sure he will love getting in on the action.

Of course we didn't go to the fair and not having any yummy food. That's an attraction all in it's own. For lunch I had a super yummy Chicken Gyro and Michael had a Fire Roasted Corn on the Cob. We brought snacks from home for the boys. For dessert we had to get an Elephant Ear.

Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmmm!!!!

After eating our dessert we headed to the vendors so I could buy a Super Shammy and then it was time to go home. We were only there for 3 1/2 hours, but with two boys that were way overdue for their naps that was pretty good. The boys really did great and we can't wait to go next year.


  1. I haven't been to the fair in years but am considering going just because I want some of that corn on the cob. Growing up I always got the pickle for a nickel at the fair but I believe that due to inflation it's no longer there. I also usually stop by Crazy Eric's to get a delicious and gigantic Fair Burger but if I go this year may skip that because I've always wanted to try the Earthquake Burger with Faultline Fries.

    By the way, when I was a kid my aunt & uncle had a pig named meatloaf.

  2. Looks like you guys had fun! That's great that you got to experience the fire truck with Owen. They were giving away free rides on the train the day we were there, and they wouldn't let me ride because I am VERY obviously pregnant. Later I went to try to take Norah on the carousel and they wouldn't even let me ride on that....good grief!

