Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Picture Perfect Pumpkin Patch!

Yesterday we headed down to Scholz Farms with my MOPS group. This is our third year in a row visiting this particular walk down memory lane you can click here to see our first visit and here to see last years visit.

Our first order of business was eating lunch. This never really goes well though. The kids are just too excited to play...who blames them!

Ella was definitely too excited to eat. She wouldn't eat any of her baby food or her puffs. She was interested in eating grass though.

The sawdust hill is always a HUGE hit! This year since it's been really dry the sawdust was all fluffy and soft and not mushed down. It was great...we brought a bunch home on our clothes and in our blanket. :)

They have so many fun ride-on toys to choose from.

Silly cheeser!

My friend Erin (who doesn't go to my MOPS group) met us there so her kids Cameron and Haley got to have some fun too.

Kim was nursing Josiah in her van so all of the ladies that were there helped me watch Andy for her. He is such a cute wanderer and he's so look up and he's gone! I was so thankful to have all the other ladies helping me.

This picture of Jack just took my breath away...I can envision him 15 years from now walking down the street with this same look on his face and this same posture. Time I am NOT ready yet...please slow down!

Let's head over to the pumpkins Mom!

I think this might have been the first time Kim had both boys on an outing by herself. She did great! I remember being freaked out about doing it by myself. Who am I kidding...I still get a little freaked out. But when you have friends around it lightens the load a bit!

Josiah was so happy in the Bjorn! I remember Ella being that little...okay now I'm getting sappy!

First stop was the teeny tiny pumpkins.

Then we found the BIG pumpkins! Of course Owen picked the biggest, heaviest pumpkin for us to buy. It's not the one he's holding in the picture. I sure hope we get a lot of seeds from it.

I just love how they line the pumpkins up!

Erin and her kids - Cameron and Haley. Cameron wasn't interested in having his picture taken...seriously he yawned! :) Haley is also a wanderer so she just wanted to get down and explore.

Not quite sure what Cameron is saying to Jack, but Jack is sure listening intently.

Owen kept running from pumpkin to pumpkin cleaning off the dirt. I was trying to get him to smile at me and he said, "Mama I'm not talking just now...I'm doing my job!" So sorry to interrupt!

Fun memories!

Time to head to the tractors....Mama it's too heavy!

Let's all help!

I'm pretty sure Owen seriously thinks this is another one of his jobs!

My boys!

Another priceless photo of Jack. He has the sweetest, softest, most kissable, milky white skin!

My friend Wendy from MOPS was also there with us and she offered to take a picture of Ella for me since I couldn't quite do it myself. Ella is still learning to like the Babyhawk. She doesn't seem to mind being carried on my back, but the front carrier bothers her for some reason. I think her little legs need to get a bit longer so it's more comfortable.

Hey let's go pay for our pumpkins!

We ended up staying for about an hour and a half. We didn't go through the maze or check out the animals this year. I was getting tired and it was getting close to naptime. Still getting used to the whole 3 kid thing too! ;)

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