Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I'm am a saver...I'm not a pack rat, but I do save things I know will be used again. That was part of the reason I wanted the garage organized this time last year. Anyways when my kids outgrow a toy that I know will come in handy later on I just stash it in the garage for a while until it's time for it to come out again.

Last week before Ella started feeling crummy I had Michael get down this toy chair for Ella to play with.

She was very interested in it. She kept hitting the lamp and turning it on and off and on and off.

I thought to myself....hmmmm...this might be a good time to get a picture of all three kids.

Not so much! I guess she didn't want to share...or it could have been that she almost fell face forward leaning out of the chair.

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