Thursday, December 2, 2010

Decking The Halls

This morning Michael got all the Christmas decorations down so we could, "deck the halls" and really get in the Christmas mood.

Owen knew exactly what we were doing when he saw the box for the tree. Throughout the day he kept saying, "We have a tree at our house mama!"

Jack was excited too....he loved finding ornaments for me to put on the tree.

Michael takes his job seriously!

Ella had a great time watching all the festivities! Our tree is my parents old tree and it's prelit, but one strand of lights refuses to work so we have to add lights.

You might remember the mistake a made
last year by accidentally throwing out one of the tree legs. This year the replacement leg that Michael made last year broke, but luckily Michael is super smart and he had it fixed in about 5 minutes. For some reason the tree was leaning to the left so we had to prop a book under it to solve that problem. The nice thing is neither of us ever got snippy with each other. It was a very relaxing time!

This was the first year Owen really wanted to help so he hung up some of my new candy cane ornaments. I recently read a post on Facebook from one of my friends. She talked about how she let her grandson decorate the tree and how she thought it was the most beautiful tree with the ornaments all put in clusters. It made her feel bad for moving them when her girls were little instead of just leaving them right where they put them. So after reading that I knew that if the boys helped me I wouldn't move them! Thanks Carol for reminding me to cherish this time!

Topping the tree!

Owen LOVES the tree!

After we put the tree up we brought out the rest of the decorations. The boys actually played pretty well together with the tic tac toe game.

My grandma gave me this little village a few years ago, but I've never had room to put it out. This year I really wanted to make sure it had a place. It's in our dining room on the dresser. Owen thinks it's his game...he likes to pick up the ice skaters and move them from one side to the other.

Here's the mantle! I didn't think I had a stocking for Ella, but I found one that had 3 snowmen on it and I thought that was pretty fitting since Ella is our 3rd child. You'll see that the little dresser I had on the hearth to hold my stamps got moved. I didn't think about decorating for Christmas when I put it up there, but I had to be moved so the stockings would hang right.

So I just put it at the end of my craft table. It blocks the sliding glass door a little bit, but I think I might keep it here. The hearth will look nicer and it actually gives me a bit more working space.

Oh and here's my picture mirror. I put all my picture Christmas cards on this mirror and I leave them up all year long! I love looking at them. Do you see your family picture? Today I got my first Christmas picture card of the season so all of these pictures have been removed to make way for new ones. Can't wait to start getting more in the mail.

After Michael took the kids upstairs, I shut the lights off and just sat in the living room with the tree and the music on. I was listening to my Relient K CD that my friend Kim gave me. My favorite song came on...I Celebrate The Day and I just sat there listening to the words and remembering what this time of year is really about. Praising God for sending his son to be born as a ultimately die on the cross so that we could be saved! Needless to say tears ran down my face...I love the Christmas season!

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