Thursday, December 2, 2010

Home Away From Home!

Just like last year we spent the whole Thanksgiving weekend at Ga-Ga & Pa's.

Owen has turned into his father...he loves the computer and he loves computer games. He especially likes the Curious George games at

Pa got a new flat screen TV and Michael helped him put it up. Then Michael cut doorways into the giant box the TV came in and made a tunnel for the boys. Jack decided it wasn't a tunnel was Mack's trailer from Cars. Hence the reason he has all his Cars in the trailer with him!

Ella Grace spent Black Friday with Ga-Ga and I shopping. She was a perfect angel the entire time! She also spent a lot of time practicing standing up without holding on. She especially liked holding onto the grocery cart when it was on its side. Then she would let go and lift her hands up in the air. We started calling it her victory stance!

We've been meaning to take Ella's picture in the super old highchair and we finally got around to it. If I remember right this highchair is about 140 years old. It was made for my Great-Great Grandma Laura. Just for fun I thought I would include the pictures we've taken of the boys in the same highchair.

Ella - 9 months old
Jack - 5 months old

Owen - 9 months old

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