Thursday, June 14, 2012

Jack's 4th Birthday Party!!

Back up to Jack's actual 4th Birthday day and we celebrated by letting Jack pick the menu for all the meals that day and then we had a cake.

Jack picked a lemon cake with cream cheese frosting and I topped it with an Elmo 4 candle. He even remarked that last year he had a Cookie Monster 3 candle...his memory is amazing!

Here is the Birthday Boy at his party...chowin' down on a hot dog!

The grub!

Papa Martin holding the newest member and I'm pretty sure last grandchild on the Martin side of the family.

My parents with our family friend Andrea...she and her son Zach were visiting from Indonesia and were able to make it to the party. It was so wonderful to see them!

Uncle Ry being silly with Ella Bean!

Rachael & Lilyann

Present time!!! It was so chaotic, but fun. Jack is so easy going that it didn't bother him on bit that there will kids surrounding and encroaching in on his space.

Jack got his wish of getting a new Buzz from Uncle Ry & Aunt Stephie.

"Luke...I am your father!"

Jack got SO many wonderful presents....Leapster 2 with a case, Star Wars characters, Star Wars gun, Star Wars ship, Transformer, Play Doh game, Angry Birds Game, Play Doh, Bubbles, Marshmallows, Jelly Beans, Magic Model Dough, 2 summer outfits, Coloring books and a Buzz Watch. I'm sure he got more that I just can't remember.

Here is the wonderful cake and no I did not make this one. I just had a baby so I know my limits! My SIL Stephanie's friend Kelly (who made her wedding cake and my baby shower cake) made this awesome Lion King Pride Rock cake.

The characters were part of Jack's birthday present from us. He LOVES his characters!

Love the look on his face! Please ignore my huge gaping mouth in the background!

I would say he sat in his chair playing with his new characters for at least a half an hour afterwards.

Pinata time! We have decided that for each of our kids 4th birthday's Michael will make them a pinata. For Owen's 4th birthday Michael made the ant pinata and this time around Michael made Scar from Lion King. If you look close you'll see his scar on his eye.

We lined the kids up according to height.

My mom helped Josiah go first. He wasn't sure what he was doing and then...

he realized he got to whack something with a stick and he was SUPER happy! That face just makes me melt!!!

Ella taking a swing!

Big birthday boy!

Haley hit it so hard it fell of the wire!

Then Owen chopped off the snout!

I shook out all the candy and the kids went crazy!

The group shot...only half of Stephie made it in the picture, but that's can only keep little kids still for so long!

Thank you to all our friends and family that came and celebrated our sweet Jackson!

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