Saturday, June 16, 2012

Post Party Playtime!

On Monday we spent most of the day recovering from Jack's Party. There were dishes to do and a house to clean up, but there was also toys to play with!

Right after breakfast I took Zeke out onto the deck so he could hang out with us while the older kids played with bubbles.

Aunt Michelle had gotten Jack a big container of bubbles and each of the kids got new bubble toys.

These bubble straws were really cool and easy to use. The bubbles that came from them were really little, but there was a lot of them!

This is pretty much how Ella wants to spend her her diaper!

Here was the pile of toys...and that wasn't even all of them! He is one spoiled boy!

Later in the afternoon I got out the marshmallows that Aunt Michelle had bought and the boys used their marshmallow shooters!

They would stand side by side and then shoot a marshmallow and see who could run the fastest to either smash the marshmallow or eat it.

Since we only have two marshmallow shooters Ella just eats her...bummer deal! ;) Oh and did you notice...she's clothed!

Zeke got to spend some time soaking up the sun on his sweet head! It was a really nice day to be outside and have fun with new toys!

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