Monday, August 13, 2012

Homemade Lego Bag!

A few weeks ago I took the kids over to my friend Kim's house where she showed me this awesome Lego Bag she had make from a tutorial she saw on Pinterest. I knew I had to give it a try!

When I took the kids to Joann Fabrics Jack picked out Spiderman fabric for the bag.

The first thing I needed to do was cut two circles one with the main outer fabric and one with the lining.

Then I needed to make two button holes for the ribbon to go through. Well I could not find the button hole foot thingy for my sewing machine. So I called Kim and she gave me was tips on what she did since she didn't have that part for her machine either. I ended up cutting a slit for the ribbon to go through and then did a zigzag stitch on either side. The picture above is actually the better of the two's not pretty people! But hey all it needs to do is function right!

After the button holes I stitched the circles together (except for 3 inches) with the right sides facing and then pulled the fabric through the 3 inch hole so the right sides would be out now. Then I stitched two inches in from the outer stitch....this makes the pocket for the ribbon to go through.

Next was feeding the ribbon through the pocket.

Final step....lay on the floor, put Legos on and play. Thanks to Ga-Ga we have a few more Legos now than pictured!!

When you're done grab the ribbons and pull! Legos are all cleaned up and ready go.

Really these could be made for anything. I'm already thinking it would be nice holding game pieces or even other toys like Barbie clothes or something.

If you'd like a much better and more in depth tutorial click here.

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