Thursday, August 16, 2012

Let's Fly A Kite!

On Sunday afternoon I ran some errands and found some cool deals at Wal-Mart in the clearance section. One of the best deals was a Lego set for a $ was mismarked. It should have been $13, but the 3 didn't print on the tag and they honored it! Yahoo! Another thing I found was kites for .75. Owen is always taking about making a kite. Michael and him tried one time, but it didn't turn out that well. Anyways I chose 3 kites - McQueen for Owen - Spiderman for Jack - Cinderella for Ella. When I got home we woke Ella up from her nap and headed to the beach in search of wind.

Michael put all the kites together and showed the kids what to do. Jack didn't quite understand the whole running into the wind concept. He would get his kite flying and then turn around and run towards it!

Ella did great holding her kite all by herself. I was amazed that she didn't let it fly away.

Of course we had some tangles along the way.

I brought our lounging blanket so Zeke and I could hang out and watch the fun.

It was a fantastic day to fly a kite! Michael said the wind could have been more consistent, but overall it was great for the kids.

Weather wise it was superb! It wasn't so hot out that we were sweating and it wasn't too windy and was just perfect!

He doesn't look too thrilled, but he had a fine time!

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