Friday, August 17, 2012

Travel Day!

Over the past few days I've been doing laundry and organizing clothes for our week long trip to Wyoming.

Packing for a week for 6 people one of which is a newborn was quite a feat, but I think I did pretty well. It helped that all our clothes are summer clothes so they don't take up as much room. I can only imagine how much more luggage we would be taking if we were going in the winter!

The van is all packed and we fly out this afternoon. This will be the first time that 3 out of our 4 kiddos fly on an airplane. Owen has flown once when he was 3 1/2 months old. Oddly enough for his first flight and now his second we are flying into the same airport in Billings MT.

Flying with these cute crazy kids (that are giving me their sad faces) has me a little nervous, but I'm also excited. They are going to experience so many new things. The only part I'm really not looking forward to is getting through security. I know that I just need to breathe and relax. We are getting to the airport with plenty of time so it really shouldn't be a big deal.

Jack & Owen giving me their angry faces.

The only thing I'm worried about in regards to the actual plane ride is the noise level. Jack does not in any way, shape or form have an inside voice. You can be standing right next to him and he will talk to you like you are across the house. We did just recently go to the library so I've told him that he has to use his quiet voice like we did at the library...we'll see how that works.

I'm sure these cute goofy balls are bound to make friends on the flight. Owen is already looking forward to asking the snack lady, "how long is the flight"?  

Here's hoping we have a wonderfully pleasant flight filled with 3 smiling faces and 1 happy sleeping baby!

1 comment:

  1. I totally feel you in the "talking loud" department. Logan has 2 volumes: silent or yelling. We can not get the kid to lower his voice and quiet down. Maybe it's a 2nd child thing. They are always trying to be heard over the older and younger ones. Have a great time on your trip!
