Saturday, August 18, 2012

Water Fun!

On Monday the kids and I went down to Ga-Ga & Pa's house so Ga-Ga and I could go get pedicures...or as my family says, "Have our pedi's cured!"

We got there around lunch time and it was already scorching hot so the first thing I did was set up the slip and slide and the pool for the kids. Ga-Ga was still working so we wouldn't get going to the nail place until later.

At first Ella was all about the pool and her measuring cups, but then....

Hey what's over there!

She decided she should get in on the racing action with her big brothers. She tried to steal the checkered flag a few times.

Love the look on Jacker's face here....I can just hear him saying, "Ha ha...I win!!!"

It's a tie!

Time to dry off and...

lay in the sun.

Maybe not!

Ahhh....that's better!

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