Monday, October 29, 2012

This Is What Happens...

When you are a family of 6 without a working dryer for 5 days.
You ended up spending half of Friday doing laundry, decide to spend the night so you can finish the laundry and in the process of trying to get finished with the never ending piles you overload the washer and end up making the seal come off the drum so the washer starts leaking water everywhere.
If you can't's been a fun week! Yeah that was sarcasm! We have been trying to figure out what is going on with our dryer without having to spend a fortune. The first thing I did was order a new heating element since it's not heating. Michael replaced that, but no such luck. Then I scheduled a repairman to come out, but I didn't want to spend the money without us checking if it was something else simple like a fuse. So I canceled the appointment. Then I went down to the Sears parts and repair store twice! Once to see if they had the parts I needed in stock..which they didn't, but then I took the fuse and thermostat in to see if they were working...which they are.
One of the workers suggested we check our breaker box to see if one was tripped. If we could have only been so lucky!!! Anyways now that we've checked everything that we could fix and it's not that I feel okay having the repairman come out. Also to get another dryer just like the one I have would cost over $600! Our dryer is stacked on top of our washer so I can't just go out and get any old dryer. Today the repairman comes and lets hope he can fix it!  

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! What a nightmare! I hope it all get resolved very quickly!!
