Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Update On Homeschool!

I finally remembered to take a picture of the school room at Miss Kim's. The school room takes up half of her basement family/play room. It works out really well since Josiah and Ella need to get up a go play every now and then.
The alphabet mat is the area where we do calendar time...there is a calendar hung on the wall as well as a number chart, the months of the year and the weather for today. The small desk on the left up in front is where Owen and I do his Phonics when the other kids are coloring their alphabet pages. We have learned 3 letters so far this year...'L', 'O' and 'G'. Owen can now sound out the word 'log'. This is a first I had no idea I would be so excited about. I think it's the fact that I'm the one that got to teach him and he is learning from me. It's the opening of such a wonderful door in his life. Before I know it he'll be reading full books by himself!!! So cool!
It's such a blessing to have this designated space for the school. When we do school at home on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we just use the dining room table. I am hoping that eventually we'll be able to remodel our basement (basically a glorified crawlspace that's 17 ft high) into a school room. One can dream! :)
My favorite thing we are doing at school right now is using the above cd's to teach the kids scripture verses. The Seeds Of Family Worship are songs that are taken straight from scripture and they are upbeat and catchy. We listen to the cd constantly in the van. The kids LOVE them and it's so wonderful to have God's Word echoing in my mind all day long. 
Overall I would say that this year I feel more comfortable with school even though I'm also feeling challenged and bit overwhelmed with the fact that my kids' education falls on my shoulders. But I know without a doubt that I'm the one that's supposed to be teaching my kids.

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