Saturday, November 17, 2012

Another First...Actually Two!

Zoom in on this picture and what do you see???
Not one, but TWO teeth! This cute little over achiever broke his first and second tooth through on November 15th.
A few days before I had started feeding him baby food since I though his crankiness was due to hunger. He didn't care much for baby oatmeal so after two days of that I gave him butternut squash. Oh my word this kid was born to eat! He is already eating baby food 3 times a day and LOVES it. In fact during his second feeding of squash in between bites he would hang his head and cry his little head off. When I finally got the next bite ready he would see the spoon and all would be right with the world again. According to my parents he is EXACTLY like me.
Welcome to the wonderful world of food Zeke Man!

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