Sunday, November 18, 2012

To The Rescue!!!

Last week I made a stop at Value Village to pick up 3 t-shirts for a craft project.
First thing I had to do was cut the sleeves off.
Then I cut a slit up on either side from the bottom to the hole where the sleeve used to be.
Then I snipped the neck hole and cut a section out making the hole smaller.
Now to add decoration...I used my Cricut to cut out a large star, then pinned it to the shirt and sprayed around it with bleach.  
There you have it...a super easy super hero cape. This one is Ella's...she's Word Girl!
Jack wanted to be Batman so we printed the logo from the Internet and enlarged it. Then I pinned it to the shirt and sprayed bleach around it too.
I turned out so good!
Owen's was the easiest since I actually found a Superman shirt. All I had to do was cut it out.
At first Owen was too busy to try his cape on, but then once Ella and Jack had tried it on he decided he should give it a go.
Off to save the day!!!
I didn't actually finish Jack and Ella's until after they went to sleep so they just got to play around with Owen's.
Cute super hero girl!
The very last thing I did was attach Velcro to the neck hole enclosure so it can go on and off easily. I might try to use the sleeves that I cut off to make masks or cuffs for their arms. But that's for another day!  

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