Friday, November 2, 2012

Paper Pumpkins!!

This year we didn't make it to pumpkin patch since on that day we had MOPS in the morning and then I needed to get the three younger kids down for nap as well as do home school with Owen and Jack and then Taekwondo. Needless to say we couldn't squeeze in one more event that day. Also October has been the plague month for our house so we haven't felt up to really going out in the elements.
So on Halloween morning I decided it would be fun to just make paper pumpkins with the kids. At first I figured we would just cut out black triangles for eyes and circles for noses, but then I remembered I had these cool stickers. They came with the helium balloon set my SIL Stephanie got for Zeke's baby shower. They were perfect for this craft with the kids.
The top pumpkin is Jack's he named it Zeke. Tonight he said that the nose looked like broccoli. Ella's is on the bottom right. She placed everything except the ears. She did a great job getting everything in the correct place. The one on the bottom left is mine.
Owen put his pumpkin up higher in the window. For some reason every time I look at it I swear it reminds me of some of the pigs from Angry Birds.

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