Saturday, November 3, 2012

Halloween 2012

On Halloween Michael had a dentist appointment in the afternoon so we were able to leave early to head down to my parents house. This was both a good and a bad thing...good in that we didn't get stuck in the really bad traffic and bad because that means we had to wait until dark before it was time to trick or treat. That was tough!
My rule is always that we don't get to go out until Ga-Ga & Pa get their first trick or treater's. For some reason this Halloween people got a later start. Finally at 6pm I looked outside and saw other kids walking down the street so it was time.
Ella had fun twirling around for Pa...she even did a curtsy!
Beautiful golden shoes! Ga-Ga found Ella's Belle dress and shoes at a garage sale for $10. I hope it still fits her next fall...we are planning on taking the kids to Disneyland.
Jackson was a bit out of his element on Halloween. I tried to have him take a nap since he has a cold and I knew that all that walking would tire him out. No such luck though...he wouldn't nap. I think we were at the fifth house when we heard him say, "I'm getting tired" for the first time.
Silly Owen boy...he was in the lead most of the night running up and getting candy before Ella and I even got to the door. As he was running by me he'd say, "I said Thank you!"
Sweet little stinger! By the time we went out Zeke was super tired so I wore him.
First stop Mr. Tim's house...there were no robotic spiders this time though!!
It wasn't long into the trip and I looked down and Zeke was out.
Checking out his bounty!
Usually we go down the street behind my parents house, but all the kids were done so we just stuck to the one street. Thank goodness mom had bought a ton of candy and they just didn't get as many trick or treaters as they normally get so we went home with probably 10lbs of candy all together.
Lots of yummy treats!
Ella was so cute posing with her hands in her lap. She did really great she did get a bit scared at a couple houses and Daddy had to carry her every now and then. The only really bad thing that happened was she felt down at the last house. It was kind of ironic because that very same thing happened to Jack two years ago as well. Maybe we should just start skipping the last house!
We ended up being getting home at the normal bedtime. Jack had of course fallen asleep in the van. You'd think they would all crash and be out, but that wasn't the case. They weren't all hyper from candy though. Poor Jack and Owen both woke up crying from nightmares and Zeke had a terrible time going to sleep...poor baby can not keep himself from rolling over onto his back!
Unfortunately it was a bad night for Michael was his turn for the stomach flu! Sicktober sure went out with a bang!

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