I'm sorry I know I'm biased, but these are three of the stinkin' cutest kids ever!
My friend Carmen got Jack the Buzz outfit for his 2nd birthday, but it was still a bit big on him so we decided to let Owen wear it this year and Jack can wear it next year. My Mom bought Jack the Woody costume and it fit him perfectly and he loved it. Ella wore the same Bubble Bee costume Jack wore for his first Halloween. Although she filled it out a bit more than he did!
Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger! We saw 4 other Buzz costumes, but they were all bigger kids.
I was shocked there wasn't another Woody in my parents neighborhood. I was seriously thinking that almost every other kids was going to be dressed up as some Toy Story character since the movie was such a hit. The boys got SO much attention, it was so fun!
Ella was just the most scrumptious Bubble Bee!! Next year I'm looking forward to dressing her in something a bit more girly, but for her first Halloween this was perfect!
Okay Mom....enough pictures! LET'S GO!!!
This was the first house! My mom and dad's neighbor Tim is a funny guy. He loves remote control cars and planes...see the BIG fake spider in the corner? Well he had another one of those strapped to a remote control car on the other side of the porch and when someone came to the door he would move it towards the trick or treater. It totally and completely FREAKED Owen out. I was actually surprised that we were even able to convince him to keep going. Poor guy...it was freakin' hilarious though! :)
The boys really did great. Owen did most of the talking though...I think Jack said "Trick or Treat?" about 3 times. Owen would say it really well and then proceed to tell them he was Buzz Lightyear and this was his brother Jack and he was Woody and so on. Yep he takes after his Mama in the talking department. :)
We walked down both sides of my parents street and then we went back to their house to take a break.
We laid out the boys loot and let them have 5 pieces of candy.
Since the candy was on the floor Ella got a hold of this chocolate shaped lips with fangs. After I took this picture I forgot to take it away from her and I came back later and she had the whole thing...wrapper and all...in her mouth and I had to pry it out! This girl likes her chocolate!
Family picture before the kids have a sugar meltdown!
We wanted to take the boys out again to go down the street behind my parents house, but Ella was getting tired and her face and hands got really cold towards the end of the first round of trick or treating so Ga-Ga and Pa watch her for us.
Let's go Jack!
Once we were out this second time Owen and Jack both were tired and wanted to be carried. I totally felt like one of those parents that make their kids go trick or treating so THEY can have candy.
We only went to about 10 more houses and then it was time to go in...the very last house Jack fell over and cut his hand! :(
Hi my name is Lyndsay...I was name after the actress Lindsay Wagner. My brothers name is Ryan so my mom thought it would be fun to spell my name with an Ly to match his. I didn't meet another person who spelled their name like me until I was in high school. Speaking of high school that's where I met my husband. We were both 16 years old. We got engaged at 17 and were married on May 8th, 1999 when we were 18 years. We struggled for 6 years with infertility, but then on January 15th, 2007 God blessed us with Owen. After that the kids started popping out..Jack was next, Ella our only girl and finally we finished at the end of the alphabet with Zeke. I'm a stay at home mom and I volunteer at church and school. Life is crazy, but life is good!
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