Friday, January 18, 2013

Cake Fail!

 I have wanted to make a treasure chest cake for a really long time so I was super excited to get to make one for Owen's party. Little did a know that it would turn into a disaster!

First off I waited until the cake cooked, but I forgot to put it in the freezer to make it a little more stiff. When I took it out of the pan it was so moist it was already falling apart. 

Here it is all decorated. As you can see the front of the cake is already drooping. I use a piece of cardboard wrapped in tin foil to be the base for the lid of the chest and then the lid was propped up with pretzel rods. 

Again the cake was so moist it was just falling apart so the lid of the chest cracked! 

Here's a closer view of the loot...candy necklaces, rings and gold coins. At this point I was still going to serve it. I mean treasure chests can have cracks in them right? Well then I woke up the next morning and the pretzel rods had fallen over so the top wasn't even being held up anymore and the back of the cake was falling off. It was a mess! You win some you lose some! :)

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