Thursday, January 17, 2013

Owen's 6th Birthday Party!!

Owen's birthday party was on Sunday after Zeke's dedication. It was a pirate theme. The centerpiece was our Imaginext Pirate Ship, a treasure chest and a bunch of 'gold nuggets' aka Rolos. I made some cute food labels for the food, but I forgot to take picture of them. The main dish was meatballs that were labels 'cannonballs'. The grapes were labels 'jewel's' and I had a bowl of Doritos and goldfish crackers mixed labeled 'fish and chips'!

One of my requests for Michael was for him to make a pirate ship out of cardboard. In my mind I was thinking 2 dimensional...of course he just blew me away with his creativity. And it only took him about a half and hour to make it! 

Kids posing with the pirate ship....Arrrr Matey!!!

The first game was throwing 'cannonballs' aka water balloons at the pirate ship. Love Caleb's form here! This was his second throw though...the first one ended up hitting me in the foot! It was hilarious! 

Cameron was quite focused! 

These cute girly girls were hilarious to watch. They wouldn't just throw the balloon they had to walk up as close as they could get...such girls! Kendra and Cameron ended up winning this game and they got 'cannonballs' aka Whoppers!

On to the next game...walking the plank! 

We just let the kids jump off the plank and then marked the spot with chalk. Owen and Jack were the ones that jumped the farthest so Christina (Caleb's mom) and I helped Lilyann cheat so she won that game. Her prize were these cool rocket darts. 

Then it was time for the treasure hunt! I had made up 12 different treasure maps with directions to their treasure chest.

John was getting help from his parents!

Andrew found his treasure chest behind the macaroni and cheese in the pantry! 

I bought the black treasure chests from Oriental Trading Company and filled them with a telescope, a ring pop and chocolate gold coins. 

Jack found his treasure outside under one of the blocks from the retaining wall. 

Kendra's was inside the tire swing! 

Caleb found his behind the play kitchen....and he's already enjoying his treats here!! 

After the treasure hunt it was time for cake. Here is Owen's ice cream cake. Of course I had a whole treasure chest cake idea in mind COMPLETELY failed! After church Michael had to run to DQ to buy this cake. Michael said, "Well you can't be good at everything hon!" 

Silly Birthday Boy!!! 

Time for presents! 

At Christmas I got each of the kids a Duplo set and they have really been enjoying them. With each set comes an instruction booklet that shows other sets. Owen saw the Cars set and really wanted it so Ga-Ga and Pa got that for him. I love Ella's face...she is pretty stoked too! 

Ga-Ga and Pa also got him a Lego stationary set. Owen has turned this into his drawing book. He's been drawing pictures and then I write what he's drawn. He's really turning into quite an artist! 

Miss Kim got hims Monopoly Junior Party Edition. It's such a cute game...we've already played it a few times! 

From Uncle Jon & Aunt Becky he got some money and from Miss Angie and Mr Kevin he got a gift card to Target! Owen also got an air hockey game from Cameron, a science book and all sorts of ingredients to do experiences from Caleb and a ton of Gears from us.

Once most of the party people were gone our living room transitioned into a wrestling ring!

Zeke enjoyed the wrestling from the sidelines!

Thank you to everyone who came out and celebrated Owen turning 6!

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