Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Zeke's Dedication!!

Sunday morning at church was a special day for us...Zeke Russell was dedicated! I had wanted to dedicate him when he was around 5 months, but that was right in the middle of the holidays so it just didn't work out. Once the holidays were over I really wanted to make sure we got his dedication on the schedule since our Pastor is resigning from our church and will be leaving soon. Oh I how I will miss Pastor Brett!

Little did I know that the Seahawks would do so well they'd have a playoff game that morning. My poor husband...he did record the game (on a VHS tape no less!) so he got to watch it (well most of it...darn VHS tapes!) afterwards at home.

What a blessing it was to stand up in front of our church family and proclaim to them that we will do the best we can to teach, lead and guide Zeke to a personal relationship with Jesus. I feel such a strong responsibility to be a good example for my kids and have the love of Jesus shine through me for them to see.

Thank you Pastor Brett for speaking scripture over our son and praying words of truth for him!!

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