Tuesday, January 15, 2013

He's 6!!!

This picture just cracks me up...it's SO Owen right now. He's just a total nut! Getting a decent picture of him right now would be considered a miracle! 

So what is Owen doing at 6 years old...

- He is learning a ton in school. He can read and spell 5 letter words. He's so smart with his school work, but he likes to be lazy too. There is a part on his worksheets where he has to sound out the word and then match it up to the corresponding picture...well he cheats! He looks at the pictures and says the word...so I started covering up the pictures! Little cheater! 

- He is pretty much self sufficient with everything. He gets himself dressed, brushes his teeth, puts his clean clothes away in the drawers and puts his hang up clothes on the hangers and in the closet, he can get himself a bowl of cereal and he loves to "serve" his Daddy by making him a glass of chocolate milk. 

- Since he's older he gets to stay up a half an hour later than the other 3 kiddos. He does have to be in his room, but he can play with LeapPad, look at books or play with his toys quietly. 

- He is still a seriously picky eater. The funny thing is most of the things he is "forced" to eat he doesn't NOT like them...he won't make a face and he even tells us that he likes it. I think he just doesn't like taking the time to eat. Thankfully now that he's older it is getting easier to reason with him. 

- He is possibly the most persistent child ever...I really truly believe this will serve him well in the future. Maybe we have a future lawyer in the family! 

- He is definitely getting to that stage where he doesn't want to cry in front of people. He tries really hard to hold his tears in and be a tough little guy! 

- He wants to be on some form of electronic entertainment all day! 

- He says "I love you Mommy" about 20 times a day! 

Owen my first born...I can not believe you are 6 years old. You are such a big boy and I love you for you! I love that God has entrusted me to be your Mom. I pray that you will continue to thrive and learn and love it! You are wonderful...Happy Birthday My Sweet Boy! 

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