Saturday, July 13, 2013

Baby Baby!

This cute boy is such a baby baby! He's either super happy or super crabby right now. He is always wanting to be held or fed! Since I have 3 sometimes 4 other kids to look after that can be quite a challenge. So if he fusses he usually ends up here...
With some sort of snack and his sippy! He's quite a chugger!
When he does have happy time it's usually super happy time! He's such a cute cheeser for the camera already!
This is how Zeke crawls around now...he uses his left knee and then his right foot.
He crawled like this so much that he's gotten calluses on his left knee and shin.
Again with the cute cheeser face!
He does LOVE to pull himself up on everything!
So proud of himself!
He's also very into exploring things...the smaller something is the better. On this particular day it was a tiny heart shaped bead.
Mama it's in there!
I bet this little person will fit in there too!
At almost 14 months Zeke is our latest walker. I've also never had a crawler through the summer months. It's made things a bit challenging when it comes to taking the kids places. I love the walking phase...I'm all about kids gaining their independence!

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