Monday, July 15, 2013

Sand In Places We Never Thought There'd Be!

A week ago after dinner we packed up the kids and headed down to Dash Point. We never go to the state park because we don't want to pay so we always go to the little beach right next to The Lobster Shop. Parking is limited, but we can always find a spot. It was really a perfect evening to be at the beach!
It's a little bright huh Zeke?
Aunt Linda bought Ella this sunhat last summer and thankfully this year she is okay with wearing it!
I love the beach! Love that sailboat out there too!
Hmm...this stuff again!
Cute Jackers and his button down dress shirt and shorts! He's so cute!
Ella showing off more than she bargained for!
Look at that cute face! I love his Tow Mater teeth!
Not far from our blanket there were these trees that some other kids had dug out around and made a secret hideout with.
Cheesin' on top of the trees!
Down in the hideout!
I made it Mom!
Look at me!
Daddy soaking in some sun!
Running with determination!
Handsome boy!
Then I decided to have the kids bury me!
Then Owen wanted to be buried too!
And then Jack....hence the title of this post! It was fun though!

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