Thursday, February 27, 2014

February Date Night!

On Friday night my parents came and picked up the kids so Michael and I could go on our second date night of the year. This time my parents kept the kids overnight so it was more like an entire date day!

Getting ready to head out to dinner. Of course the moment we stepped out of the door Michael's work phone went off. Since he's a field technician now (I'll blog about that later) he has to be on-call every 5 weeks. About 20 minutes later we were off, but we had to make a stop at a customers house so Michael could show him how to turn his water off at the meter. It was only about a 30 minute detour and Michael gets 2 hours of overtime pay for it so that was fine with me!

This time we went out to 13 Coins again. We really enjoyed it the first time! We were actually really surprised when we got there at 6:30 on a Friday night and it wasn't busy at all. Turns out we were the beginning of the dinner rush. We again asked to sit at the bar in front of the grill. It's just so fun to watch the chefs run around and prepare the food. 

We had the same server as we did the first time...this nice older gentlemen. Since it was slower our food came out so quickly. In fact we weren't even finished eating our appetizer before our entrees came out. We had the fried zucchini for our's SO wonderful and it's only $5.99. The zucchini aren't mushy at all and the spicy ranch dipping sauce they have is yummy. For dinner Michael got The Believer it's there number one selling entree....chicken parmesan with white sauce. I had one of the rib. I was really craving some red meat.

The last time we were here we didn't have dessert, but they had creme brule so Michael couldn't resist. I was having a hard time deciding between the hot fudge sundae and this cookie. I decided I wanted some warm and chewy. It was really good!!! 

After dinner we stopped at the Red Box and got World War Z. It was a really good movie, but I probably shouldn't have watched it late at night. It wasn't that scary, but at the same time it was the most scary zombie movie I've seen. Not because of blood and gore, but the fact that the zombies are FAST! Every other zombie move portrays them as slow and dumb these weren't necessarily smart, but they had instincts. It was definitely a thinker film so of course I laid awake thinking through the whole movie. Here I can finally sleep and sleep since the kids aren't home, but I can't! Figures! 

We did end up sleeping in until 9am which was super nice. After breakfast we went to Lowe's to pick up some spray paint and to price the materials we need to make the tree house. Let's just say it's a LOT more expensive than I thought it was going to be. When we came back home we watched World War Z again since I really felt like I didn't get it helped seeing it again. I don't know about you, but I get really involved in movies like that and I think about how I would survive if something like that happened. Reality and fantasy get blurred together in my mind. 

After the movie we just lounged around playing games on our phones. It was so nice to just BE in an empty house together and not have responsibilities to other people. Around 4pm I headed down to pick the kids up. Michael had to stay home since he was still on-call and has to be able to get to work in 30 minutes. The kids and I stayed at my parents house for dinner and then came home. They of course had the time of their life watching TV shows, eating every treat in sight and getting away with everything!! In fact Zeke was so upset about leaving his Cars toys he picked up both Sally cars and through them on the ground and had a royal meltdown. Dramatic much! 

Thanks for keeping the kids overnight Mom and Dad!

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