Friday, February 28, 2014

Packing Up!

 On Friday afternoon when the boys got home from school I had all the kids help me get them packed up for their overnight stay at Ga & Pa's house.

Zeke was so excited to get to use his new suitcase. He knew exactly what we were doing and he started pointing to it up on the shelf in their closet. 

The boys and their suitcases! I wanted to try to get a picture of all their suitcases sitting upright since you can see the names better. That was a stupid idea thought Zeke!

 See total fit throwing in the background? He hates it when the handle is down and he can't push it around. That boy!!!

Jack decided he wanted to sit on his suitcase. 

Then of course Ella had to copy him. She was quite angry at Zeke for being in her picture so I had to take another one. 

Pretty girl who thinks it's perfectly okay to wear capris in the winter! 

So happy to be pulling his very own suitcase. When we got home on Sunday night and unpacked the suitcases he was of course quite upset when it was time to put his suitcase up. I had to actually have him wave bye-bye to it so he wouldn't completely freak out.

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