Saturday, March 1, 2014

Movin' On Up!

Last summer Michael's co-worker that told him about the job at the Water District moved out of state to be closer to family. That left an opening on the field crew. One problem though..Michael couldn't move up until they hired a new meter reader. I believe the last time they needed a new meter reader it took them over a year to hire Michael. Needless to say we weren't thinking this was going to be a quick process. However, Michael's boss really wanted to hire someone before the end of the year. So in November of last year Michael started training the new guy. He would need to walk the routes with him for 4 months before he would be officially on the field crew. Well starting March 1st...exactly 3 years after his first day at the Water District, Michael will officially be a field technician! I'm so proud of him and he's really excited to learn some new skills. Along with his new responsibilities he's also on a rotating schedule for being on-call. It will definitely take some getting used to for me since I'm used to just going whenever we want, but on the weeks that Michael is on-call he has to stay pretty close to home and that also means I can't go anywhere without the kids just in case he gets a call. 

We feel so blessed that Michael had this opportunity to move up so quickly. Most of the previous meter readers read for more than 3 years so this was quite unexpected! God is so good!

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