Thursday, February 20, 2014


Last Friday I took Ella to an elementary school in Auburn to have a Child Find screening. Her neurologist wanted to see if she would qualify for preschool through the state since she has a speech delay. The 3 ladies that did the screening were great! Of course Ella charmed them the whole time! In the end she is just above the cutoff line for qualifying. It's funny because it's a good thing that she's above, but even the ladies said they always feel bad when they tell parents that because they want the kids to be able to come. Ella could still go to that school for preschool, but we would have to pay. The school isn't really that close to our house so I know I wouldn't want to send her there. 

We know that we will be sending Ella to preschool in September no matter what. She needs a head start since Kindergarten is now full day. Since I didn't know if she would qualify or not I just started doing a little research online for Preschools in our area. Logan goes to Happy Hearts right now so that's an option. There are a couple things like the fact that school is only 2 hours and there have been some communication issues that we've experiences with Logan so I'm not sure if I want to send her there. I did contact another preschool in the area...Little Sparrows. I chatted with the administrator and she was lovely. She wanted to know all about Ella and her Hydrocephalus. The other thing I like about this preschool is it's 3 hours and she could go to school 3 days a week Wed - Fri. I still want Ella to be able to go to MOPS with me on Tuesdays. Thankfully I have plenty of time to research more preschools...September isn't right around the corner, but time does have a way of sneaking up on you. 

No matter what....this is pretty exciting stuff for Ella Grace!

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