Monday, March 3, 2014


 Zeke hasn't really latched on to any particular toy except the Cars track at Ga-Ga & Pa's house...that toy is HIS!!! The other day I was at my friend Rachael's house and Cars 2 was playing on TV. I pointed it out to Zeke and he marched himself over to the TV and stared at it for a really long time! He was smitten! Anyways one day while Logan was at preschool, Ella was playing on ABC Mouse and I was trying to work on some MOPS craft projects, I decided to introduce Zeke to the first Cars. I turned on the movie and went to try to work thinking he'd be in to get me after just a few minutes. Oh no...I didn't hear from the kid! I went to see how he was enjoying the movie and he was loving it!


I found Owen's old beat up Lightning McQueen so he could hold it during the movie. This kid is going to go nuts when we go to Disneyland later this year! 



And to think I was going to do Clifford The Big Red Dog for his 2nd Birthday....I think not! 

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