Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Ella's Cowgirl Party!

Let's back track for a minute before I start the party post. A week before Ella's birthday party Ga-Ga gave her a Teddy Bear Glitter Globe. She LOVED it! Ga-Ga packed it so nicely in Ella's suitcase for her to bring it home. When we got home Ella unwrapped it and was so excited to show it to Daddy. That's when it slipped out of her hands in the bathroom and shattered on the floor! Oh my goodness she was beside herself with grief. She was trying to explain what happened and she was truly traumatized! It was so sad! To hopefully get her to stop crying we called Ga-Ga. Of course Ga-Ga told Ella that she would buy her a new one! The day of Ella's party Ga-Ga & Pa came over early and Ella got to open her pre-party present. 

Ga-Ga couldn't find another Teddy Bear globe that wasn't Christmas themed, so she went with a pink ballerina. Ella is in love and all is right with the world! 

On to the party....I have so many pictures that this will be broken out into more than one post! A long time ago I read a blog on a party with a cowgirl theme. I thought it was adorable so I asked Ella if she would like that and she was up for it. For the decorations I just downloaded a rope fonts and used my My Memories Digital Program to create the burlap background on the paper. Then I save them on a junk drive and had them printed at the library for free! 

The food was just good ol' country food....Barbecue Meatballs, Mini Corn Dogs, Baked Beans Chips, Carrots, Strawberries & Grapes. 

I usually have a plan for the centerpiece, but this time I just threw it together at the last minute. I used this cool bandanna that my Mom bought, a cowboy hat and Jack's boot bank that Pa gave him.  

Here was the Watering Hole. Ella asked for pink party punch...Sprite, pink lemonade and raspberry sherbet! 

And of course what's a party without the guests! 

Ga-Ga, Uncle Ry & Aunt Stephie! 

Bill & Christina! 

Uncle Jon & Aunt Becky! 

Mr. Micah & Baby Caitlynn! 

Ms. Jen, Aunt Becky & Daddy! 

There were kids there too, I promised...they were just running around playing! 

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