Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Cars Table!

Here's Zeke's Cars table. A few months ago I started looking online for what Ga-Ga & Pa could get Zeke and I found this and knew he would love it! One problem though...they don't make this table anymore. I found it on Ebay for over $300...yeah right! Then I found it on Craigslist from a lady just across the border. One problem was I can't cross the border since I don't have a passport or an enhanced drivers license. I tried to see if the lady could meet me, but she couldn't cross the border either. She wasn't willing to mail it either. I was so bummed, but then I decided to check out the Portland Craigslist site. That's when I found one for sale from a guy in Longview which is over an hour from us. I contacted him and asked if he'd be willing to drive a little bit north and meet. Turned out that he's in the military so he met me just outside Fort Lewis. It was so perfect and it was not over $300!  

After all the kids went to bed on the night of Zeke's party Michael moved the table from the garage into the playroom. 

The next morning Zeke was all ready to play with his table....all by himself! :) 

He loves driving his cars! 

Around and around the table! Of course McQueen is his favorite car to drive. The only thing that has given us a bit of trouble is an elevated portion of the track that keeps coming apart if the kids push on the track too hard. I hear "track" many times a day and I know that means I need to come fix it! 

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