Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tinkerbell Dress!

Since September is going to be here in no time I'm already gearing up for our Disney trip. I'm so glad we decided to postpone our trip a year. Last year would have been fun, but this year will be better since Zeke is walking! Since we've had a whole other year that means I've gotten to do more Disney crafts. My goal is that we will avoid a lot of the I want this and I want that since the kids will already have lots of Disney stuff. I know that we will still have to deal with the questions, but it will be easier to defuse the situation if I can say, "Oh you don't need that because there is a Disney surprise waiting for you back at the hotel!" 

My most recent craft project was this cute smock dress. Joann's has this fabric and it's already smocked which makes it SO simple to make. I literally just bought the fabric and then pinned it with the right side facing each other and sewed a straight line! Since we are big about modesty I did not want the dress to be able to fall down or be pulled down so I went ahead and stitched on some ribbon straps to keep the dress where it needs to be. 

Ella is hold her hands funny so that's why the dress is pulling up funny in the back. The nice thing is this particular fabric was 30% off and you can buy it by the inch. I just had the lady pull out some fabric and then I folded it over to see if it was about Ella's size and then I added just a couple more inches to be sure and that was it. It was less that a yard of fabric and it cost $7. For a Disney dress I don't think that's bad at all...if you were to buy a Disney dress like this at Disneyland it would probably cost at least $24.99. The fact that it was so easy and so inexpensive I'm planning on making at least one more dress for Ella. It will be hard to choose which fabric since they have Minnie Mouse, My Little Pony and Hello Kitty. 

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