Thursday, June 5, 2014

Jackson Is 6!

My sweet Jackson you are such a lovey boy. You are so tenderhearted. I love that you love stuffed animals. In fact your bed is COVERED in them. I'm not even sure how you have room to sleep up there. 

Your favorite is still your No-No. When I go in to check on you at night I almost always find it either on your neck, covering your face or very close by your head. 

You love to imagine and play! You love dressing up as a cowboy, ninja, construction worker or a mutant turtle. 

You are starting to use your imagination more when it comes to building things and drawing. I love your drawings! 

You love to look your best. If you could wear a dress up shirt everyday I think you would. When we found this little bow tie at a garage sale I knew you would love it! 

You love your siblings and you love doing things for them or giving them things. Gifts is definitely your love language! 

You love your toys.....Uncle Ry just recently gave you the rest of his Star Wars collection and you were so happy! 

Other things going on with you....

You are excelling so much in school. You were at the reading level you needed to be at by the end of the year about a month ago. The biggest change I've seen this year is in your expressions. At the beginning of school you were struggling with making a grumpy face all the time. That grumpy face is no where to be seen anymore! Your confidence level has also increased so much! You used to slink around everywhere looking all scared and now you are much more secure in yourself. 

You are still struggling with some dexterity issues. In fact we finally changed the car seats around so you are now in a booster car seat and you are sitting in the middle of the van so you are able to buckle yourself in. I am going to talk to the doctor and see if you should go back to therapy for some more help in regards to your strength in your hands and in your core. 

Jackson Daniel you are my second baby boy! I remember thinking you were a girl, but then praying for you and that you would be exactly what God wanted for our family and you would also be exactly what Owen would need in a sibling. You are an answer to prayer for sure! God loves you and your sweet loving heart! I know that He has such a wonderful plan for you and lots of wonderful blessings in store as well! 

Love you so much Jackson! 

Happy Birthday Buddy! 

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