Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Robin Hood Village Resort!

A couple months ago I finalized our plans for how to celebrate our 15th wedding Anniversary. We already went out to dinner on our actual anniversary, but this was a little getaway! We originally wanted to go to Portland, but then the more I thought about it I really didn't want to be in a busy city. I wanted something more relaxing and laid back. That's when I started checking out Groupon to see if I could find something that was relaxing and not to far from home. That's when I came across a Groupon for Robin Hood Village Resort. I wanted to make sure that this would be a nice place so I did a bunch of research. The reviews were great. People love it! Most of them said that cabin #7 was the best so that's the cabin I booked for us. 

We stayed two nights at our cute little "cabin". It's really more like a manufactured home, but it was so nice! 

Here's the living room! 

The kitchen and dining area! 

Our little bathroom! 

Our bedroom! The thing I'm always most worried about when staying at hotel or cabins is whether or not the bed will be comfortable. This bed was amazing and the bedding was top notch. So soft and comfy! 

After we got settled in the cabin...yes I'm one of those people that moves in. I hate living out of a suitcase! We went to explore the area. There was a little stream just a few feet from our cabin and there was a trail so we walked the trail seeing where it led. 

Along the way we found these hammock chairs just hanging from a tree. The one I'm sitting in taking the picture from was literally hanging over the stream. It was fun! 

When we came back from the stream I saw this hammock so we went to lay down and relax a bit. 

It was so comfortable! I could have probably laid there all day long! 

After lounging for awhile we went across the street to see if the tide had came back in. The resort provides you with the use of kayaks and we had never been kayaking before. 

The weather was perfect! So sunny, but not too hot and just a little breeze, but not too windy. Gorgeous! 

Kayaking was actually easier than I thought it would be. I'm not that coordinated of a person so I was sure I was going to just have us going in circles, but we worked well as a team. 

When we got back from our adventure we noticed that they had signs posted saying not to go further than 100 yards from the shore. We went way further than that....oops! 

That night for dinner we went over to The Alderbrook Resort to eat at the restaurant there. This is probably the only thing I would have changed about the trip. The food was so-so, the services was great, but the prices were ridiculous! The caesar salad was awesome...anchovies! Yummy! If we ever go back an eat there I think we'll just have salad and dessert. 

Here was my vanilla and chocolate cheesecake. It was delicious! 

Because we told them we were celebrating our anniversary they did give us a free dessert...Michael got his creme brule! 

After dinner we went back to the cabin and got to enjoy our own private hot tub and then we watched Star Trek! 

To be continued....

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