Friday, June 13, 2014

Praise Time!

Our night time routine has changed over the years and most recently we've added something in addition to bible time. We've read through maybe children bibles or devotionals and I did recently get a new Adventures in Odyssey devotional, but the kids just keep wanting me to read The Jesus Storybook Bible. It's their favorite. In face I read one story a night and almost every night when I turn the page to put my bookmark in I hear Owen say..."read it read it!" He just wants me to keep going. The way that Sally Lloyd-Jones writes the stories is amazing. Her words and the illustrations are beautiful! 


After Bible time we pray and then comes in the new addition to our night time routine. I've added in Praise Time. See about a month or so ago I started watching 19 Kids and Counting and I'm just amazed by the Duggar family. I love the way they teach their children about life and about God. They are a wonderful example. One of the things that Michelle Duggar said was that we need to praise our kids 10 times more than correcting them. Also public praise has a greater effect that just praising one on one. So I took this to heart and decided to start writing down things that the kids were doing correct. Of course I praise them right then and there, but then I save as least one for each child to talk about at night. I'm telling you this has been such a fantastic addition to our night. It's great for the kids to see that we are taking notice of the good things. Also the kids are now chiming in with their own praises for others. Of course we do have to remind them that praise time is for them to praise others and not themselves! 

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