Thursday, June 12, 2014

Zeke's 2 Year Photos!

A couple days after Zeke turned two we headed down to JCPenny's for his birthday pictures. We were going to go as a family, but the morning of we came out to the van and it was dead...again! We had been having some issues with it and this was the final straw. So while I hurried to get Zeke's car seat into Michael's car, Michael jumped the van and then took it to the Honda Dealership with the older 3 kids. Thankfully they figured out what was wrong with the van and it was completely covered by our warranty! 

I wasn't sure how Zeke was going to be. He wasn't too excited about his one year pictures. 

He was a little apprehensive at first, but then he opened up for about 3 minutes! 

I think in total there were 7 good shots. That was perfect though...I only needed three! 

Zeke Russell Martin
2 years old 
23.5 lbs

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