Sunday, November 13, 2016

Thankful Leaves!

My position at MOPS is technically called the Creative Activities Coordinator. I'm more known as the craft lady though. I haven't really done many creative activities. This year I thought that it would be fun for me to provide the materials to do a creative activity at home with their families. So I found some leaf cut out patterns and asked the lady in the church office if she could print them out on colored cardstock. The ladies were able to take a bunch of leaves home to their families to do the creative activity. 

We have chosen to do ours after dinner every every night is a lofty goal, but still it's what I aim for. Really because life gets in the way we usually don't cut them out every night and then we just make up for it the next night by cutting out two leaves instead of one. 

Each of the kids got their own bundle of leaves and scissors. 

They can chose whichever leaf they want to cut out that particular night. 

Then they write what they are thankful for on that leaf. 

It's been fun seeing what they write down. For example Owen was thankful for that my big guy sees school as a blessing! 

We have chosen to put our leaves up on the sliding glass door in our dining room. We have to put them all up high since Charlie will try to jump up and get them. This was after the first night of cutting out leaves. Michael and I are participating as well. After we cut them out and write down what we are thankfully for we go around the table and say what we wrote and why we are thankful for that particular person or thing. I love this activity and it's really so easy!

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