Monday, November 14, 2016

The Best Timing!

On Tuesday the 1st of November the kids and I were on our way home from the free mini LEGO build at the mall. Owen mentioned something about BFF's and Ella piped up and said that Logan was her BFF. A few minutes later she says, "Mommy I feel like I'm going to cry!" Then she just burst into tears and starts saying over and over "I miss Logan!" It was the most saddest thing ever! Ella and Logan hadn't seen each other since our trip to Eastern Washington in August and she hadn't really mentioned Logan all that much. She for the most part does really well, but on this particular occasion she was just so distraught! Later that night I called Jen so we could try to get Logan and Ella to talk on the phone together. Getting two 6 year olds to talk on the phone though is almost impossible. It's just not natural for them. They want to SEE each other! 

The amazing thing was that a couple weeks prior to this Jen had messaged me and asked if we were going to be in town the weekend of the 6th. Jen and Logan were coming over to Seattle so Logan could go to her audiologist on Friday the 5th. It seriously couldn't have been better timing! Logan and Jen ended up coming over on Friday night for dinner and they stayed for 5 hours! It was just what Ella's heart needed! 

I honestly think that Ella and Logan are closer now than they were when we saw her every day. Before it was just a given that she'd see Logan, but now that it's few and far between they both cherish the time they do get with each other. They also just pick right back up where they left off and start playing. They never even had the slightest disagreement! 

It was also so fun for Michael and I to get to chat with Jen for hours as well. When Jen would come pick up Logan at night when I was watching her all the time, at least once a week she would stay until after 6pm and we'd just chat and chat. I miss that time with her as well!

It was such a wonderful evening and it sure filled Ella's heart with joy to get to spend quality time with her BFF!!

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