Thursday, April 27, 2017

Ferocious Beast! Warning Pictures Of Dead Vermin!!!

At first we weren't going to let Charlie outside, but the older he got the more curious he got and we let him out. He loves going outside and he even stays outside most nights now. He's so silly because he sleeps in the bushes out in the front yard and gets all wet! One particular time I let him in and he was covered with sap!!! He's not the sharpest tool in the shed....clearly! 

Owen loves his kitty cat!!! 

One of the mornings I went to let Charlie in I looked out and saw a dead mouse on the front porch. Now at this time we honestly weren't even sure if Charlie knew what cats were supposed to do. Really he is not a typical cat in so many ways. I was so happy that he figured out he was a cat after all. 

Dead mouse coming up! 

The kids were so excited to check out the mouse. Charlie bit right into this guy and the poor thing must have flopped around for a while because there was blood spots all over the porch. 

A couple weeks later I took the kids to the bus and came home and that's when I noticed this tiny thing over in front of the front window. 

Dead shrew coming up!

At first I wasn't sure was it was...I texted it to Michael and he thought it was a type of mole or vole, but after thinking about it and talking to my mom he was pretty sure it was a shrew. I really hope this is the thing that has been digging little holes in my garden. This guy didn't have any obvious marks on him so I think Charlie just played with him to death. 

After being outside all night Charlie usually comes in and is first starving and then second dying for loves. Lately he's been loving the Seahawks blanket. He'll lay on it, kneed and purr. Of course Owen just loves it when he gets to pet Charlie while he's purring! 

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