Friday, April 28, 2017

Riverview Community Church Egg Hunt!

Our church had our annual Easter Egg Hunt the day before Easter. We had been praying for nice weather and all week it kept raining and raining. Zeke and I were even at the church on Friday making Cotton Candy and it was pouring down rain. Praise the Lord we woke up to sunshine on Saturday!!! 

We always take our kids to the 10am hunt and then we volunteer at the 1pm hunt. This year I volunteered and Michael stayed home with the kids. He was on-call and we were having guests for Easter so he was able to tackle all the yard work while the sun was shining. 

The Easter Bunny was waiting outside the Auditorium in the Foyer. Owen and Zeke didn't want their picture with him, but Jack and Ella weren't going to pass it up. 

This was when I told them they should all hop!!!

On the other side of the Foyer was the Chocolate Easter Bunny! 

After that we headed into the Auditorium to meet up with Daddy and the other kids. Don't let this picture fool you we were there early! As it got closer to 10am Ms. Colleen asked us to scoot in I think 3 times....we ended up almost touching the stage! There was a lot of people there! 

Ms. Colleen talked about some fun upcoming things for kids that are happening at our church. Then her, Mr. Scott and Ms. Gretchen started calling out raffle ticket numbers. They were raffling off all the prizes on the stage. This year none of my kids won anything. 

Once we dismissed for the hunt I took Ella and Zeke and Michael took Owen and Jack. I had Ella and Zeke go to the Kindergarten & 1st Grade Hunt. The Preschool Hunt was really full so I figured this would be better. Michael took Owen and Jack both to the 4th - 6th Grade Hunt that's on the upper field. 

Lots and lots of eggs....8,000 to be exact for the first hunt and then another 8,000 for the second hunt at 1pm. 

That's the Preschool Hunt that was right next to us. As you can see there was no one standing next to us on this side of the field. 

Ella was all ready to hunt some eggs. By this time you can see a couple of people had come over that side with us. 

Zeke man was totally ready. Again only a couple people were beside us. We really did pick a good side to hunt from. 

And go!!!! 

Zeke and Ella really had this whole place in front of them for quite a while. 

All those eggs for the taking! 

No one was coming over so they had free reign! 

After a while Ella declared that she was done! 

Then she decided to help Zeke find more! 

Seriously they could have completely filled their bags by the time the other kids made it over. 

There were a ton of eggs so no one went home empty handed! 

Obviously they were having so much fun! 

Trying to take a selfie with the kids! 

That's a lot of eggs!

Zeke man got quite a few as well. 

After the hunt the Ella and Zeke stopped and blew bubbles for a bit. 

Then I decided to have them stand in line for the bouncy slide since I knew it was going to be crazy later. 

I was actually surprised that Zeke was going to climb all the way up to the top. 

He wanted to hold Ella's hand when they slid down. 


After the bouncy slide we went inside and found Daddy and the older boys enjoying some candy.

We emptied all the eggs and recycled them so the church can use them again next year. After munching for a little bit it was time for us to go home so I could make lunch and then get back in time to help with the 1pm hunt. I helped with registration and then I handed out cotton candy. We had 7 lawn and leaf bags full of individual bags of cotton candy and it was handed out in about 7 minutes! We counted later on and figured out there was over 1700 people there for both hunts combined! It was so amazing that so many people came out! 

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