Thursday, May 18, 2017

Kindergarten Bound!!!

The desk area has become our most popular place in the house now. It's just a great place to get things done. 

While I'm working on the computer Zeke will come and chat with me. On this particular day I asked him if he wanted to do his work in his Preschool book that Ga-Ga & Pa bought him. 

He's learning things like colors.



We haven't moved onto the numbers or letters yet. He knows so much already though. He can spell his name, sing the ABC's (he does skip a few at the end), count to 20, knows all his colors and shapes and understands the concept of opposites. He's a total sponge! 

On May 11th Zeke and I attended Kindergarten Jump Start at school. Here is my big boy ready to head in. This was the first time he'd been at school without any of his siblings! 

Waiting for the teachers to be all ready so we can head into the gym! 

They got everyone Little Caesar's pizza, crazy bread and Caesar Salad for dinner. 

When we were at the Rainier's game earlier this month they had a guy dressed up like Little Caesar's and ever since then I have been craving that crazy bread. It was SO yummy! 

We listened to the presentation and then it was time to take a tour of the school. I know my way around, but that doesn't mean Zeke does so it was fun taking him around. We did learn that we are going to be on vacation for 3 days of Kindergarten Camp. Instead of Zeke getting a full week he's only going to be able to go on Thursday and Friday. 

I saved Ms. Davidson's room for last because I'm super hopefully that she'll be Zeke's teacher. Of course I wanted to get a picture with his future teacher, but Zeke was not wanting to just stand next to her. Enter Ms. Davidson's tricks....fist bumps...

and high fives get him every time!!! 

I'm so excited for Zeke to start his schooling. I know he's going to love it! 

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