Friday, May 19, 2017

Spring Tea!!!

Last year I joined my churches Women's Ministry team. We are in charge of coordinating 4 big events a year with a few smaller events in-between. The in-between events are the Ladies BUNCO night. We've had 1 so far and there are 3 more on the calendar. The big events have been our kickoff in September when we watched the Beth Moore Simulcast. The next event was our Christmas Dinner where the guys in the church treated all us ladies like queens. We had another event in March where we packed purses for Kent Hope. The latest event was our Spring Tea. This was a HUGE event. It took a lot of planning and prep work, but in the end it was all worth it and it was a total success. 

Registration table.

The lady in the blue floral shirt is Nancy she brought her harp and played it while we were waiting to get started. It's not a small's one of those giant ones. The music was so beautiful. I took a picture of her playing but unfortunately it was super blurry.

Tea cups...each of the ladies got to pick their own tea cup. Later on in the morning when our speaker Lynette...she goes to our church....was talking she informed the ladies that the tea cup that they chose was theirs to take home!!! 

Lynette is a huge supporter of Compassion International. Her talk was centered around how God has made us all different...kind of like how each tea cup is different...and each person He created with a purpose in mind. God has a purpose for us. She also spoke about Compassion and how we can make a difference by sponsoring a child. 

The food was amazing! It was also a big reason why this event was so time consuming. From the shopping to the prepping and then assembling. It was so yummy though! On the buffet table we had all the tea sandwiches which were chicken salad croissants, turkey with cranberry butter and then the traditional cucumber open faced sandwich. There was also two kinds of salad a fruit salad and a pasta salad. 

The beverages of course were tea, but there was also lemon water and strawberry lemonade. 

It's a little blurry, but here are just a couple of the hardworking ladies in the kitchen! 

Our wonderful speaker Lynette putting out all the teapots! 

At the tables we had scones, lemon curd, raspberry jam, Devonshire cream, veggies and all the mini desserts. 

Here's the view of the auditorium as you walked in. 

Here's the view from the stage. 

Me and my Ella Grace! 

Rachael and her older girls...Kendra and Lilyann. 

Ella and I with Ga-Ga! 

And while us ladies were all having a great time eating yummy food, sipping yummy tea and hearing a wonderful message our other kids...mainly boys and younger girls were being taken care of in the church nursery. 

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