Monday, November 13, 2017

Girls Weekend!

Whenever Ga-Ga & Pa go on vacation I always try to schedule a girls weekend while they are gone. This particular girls weekend ended up being a little different. For one it was only Kim and I most of the time. Starr & Mackenzie had just gotten back from their 2 week trip to Europe. Secondly we ended up coming down on Friday morning and leaving on Saturday night. It was so awesome to be able to leave on Friday. Yay for having all 4 kids in school and an amazing neighbor that will watch them after school until Michael gets home!!! We did end up going out to dinner with Starr & Mackenzie on Friday night. We ate at CafĂ© Mia's in Puyallup and the funniest thing was we all had the exact same dinner. We were all about the Caesar salad and Chicken Parmesan with Spaghetti.  

On Saturday Kim and I slept in and then we got down to business...she was knitting socks while I was....

was working on the 2018 calendar. Usually I'm so on top of it, but this year I hadn't even started and it was mid-October. I ended up getting all caught up so now I just have to do the last 3 months of the year. 

On top of that Kim had another introduce me to the joy of Anne of Green Gables. I'm almost ashamed to say it, but I had never ever seen it. Not once, not even a little bit. Honestly I had never had a desire to. What was wrong with me??? Oh my word....I loved every bit of it and I can't wait to watch the next two.

Kim also brought all the ingredients to make a brookie. It's a brownie/cookie in a skillet that you top with ice cream and it was amazing! We may or may not have only had that and popcorn for dinner that night. We ended our girls weekend with me introducing Kim to izombie....I don't think she was as enthralled with that as I was with can't win 'em all. We also watched a bunch of funny Michael McIntyre videos just prior to coming home. I love that me and my girlfriends benefit from my parents going on vacation.  

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