Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Riverview Community Church - Fall Festival!

This year our churches Fall Festival was on a Saturday. We usually have it on a Sunday, but we have a Financial Peace Class that meets on Sunday nights so the church didn't want to mess that up by having the festival at the same time. 

All 3 of the boys got new costumes this year. I found Zeke's & Jack's at the Mill Creek garage sales.  Zeke's Woody costume was only $2 and Jack's Harry Potter costume was only $3. Owen had worn the same Army costume for the last 2 or 3 years so I decided it was time for him to have a brand new one. He had seen this Halo guy at Wal-Mart earlier in the month and he was so happy that I got it for him.  

Logan was here for a visit during that weekend. She was at our house from Friday night to Sunday morning. It was so wonderful. She just fits right in and Ella and her were in heaven! In August when we were visiting Logan she actually gave Ella the Elena dress that she's wearing in this picture. Logan had brought another outfit...I think a Sanderson witch costume, but she decided on Elena instead. Ella was going to wear Elena at first, but then when I went shopping I found this Elsa dress on clearance at Sam's Club. It was missing the headpiece, but I didn't care. Ella had just showed me a book the day before with Elsa in it and she specifically said she wanted that dress. Seeing her face when I gave it to her was just priceless!!!  

That's one strong Halo dude!!! 

Expecto Patronum!!!!

There's a snake in my boot!!! 

It was crazy that it was actually nice enough out that Logan didn't even need to wear a jacket! 

My beautiful princess!!! Ella and Logan did not want to use tradition candy bags instead they opted to use these puzzle bags that I got Ella years ago. 

This entire weekend ended up being so crazy! 

Michael came home early from work. I tried to do the dishes and noticed that the dishwasher did drain. Michael ends up spending the time he took off work early to try to fix the dishwasher. Michael realizes that our dishwasher is so old (we got in 2001 from a friend and it was used then) that he can't find anything online for that model. He tries his hardest, but can not get the part off that he needs to...we think it was corroded. He decides we need a new dishwasher. Logan comes to our house for the weekend. I leave to go out with my girlfriends for a night out on the town. I get home around 11:30pm. 

I wake up with my neck all out of whack. I have no time for this since our weekend is so busy. I call around to at least 5 chiropractors because mine isn't open on the weekend. Michael orders a new dishwasher online that's at Lowe's. I finally get ahold of a chiropractor that will take me. I shower quickly and head to my appointment. Michael takes 5 children up to Lowe's to pick up the new dishwasher. I get my neck fixed and come home. I sit down and ice my neck and watch Ant Man with the kids while Michael installs the new dishwasher. Michael gets a call asking him to come help set up the big tent for the Fall Festival that night. While he's gone I noticed that the kitchen looks like the clouds have parted and the light from heaven is shining down. I turn off the kitchen lights only to find out that our kitchen lights are able to be controlled by 3 light switches. Michael gets home I tell him the issue and he gets to work figuring it out. An hour or so later and it's time to go to the Fall Festival. Michael is supposed to man a game out of our trunk while I'm supposed to help out at registration. On the way to the church Michael expresses that he's honestly worried our house might burn down and it makes him nervous that Charlie is in the house. He drops me and the kids off and goes back home to work on the electrical issues some more. I end up running the game for Michael and thankfully Micah and Kim came to the Fall Festival with their kids and they take my 4 kids plus Logan around to all the trunks and games. Michael comes and picks us up. We stop at MCD's for dinner...by this time I had only eaten a bowl of Rice Krispy's and 1 pancake and I'm so light-headed I just need food!!! We eat dinner and finish watching Ant Man. Michael gets back to work on the electrical. I stay up until 11:30pm with him. Michael ends up staying up until 3:30am!!!

Michael gets up when I do and runs to the hardware store. I get all ready for church. Richard comes to pick up Logan. I take the kids to church while Michael stays home to continue working on the electrical. I usher for him at both services. During the second service I get a text saying he finally fixed the issue and he was going to take a nap and he'd meet us at church later. Michael gets to church prior to the second service ending. After church we leave Michael's car at the church and drive together to a friend's house for a farewell party for Brandon and Elaine....they were leaving our church and going into ministry at another one in the area. After that party we head back to church for our FPU class. I taught the K-6th graders class while Michael led our table at the adult class. Once class was over we went home and that was the end of our crazy, crazy weekend. 

If you read all that you are amazing! It's definitely one of those things in life where you look back on it and think....how in the world did we get through that? God...is the only answer to that question!

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