Sunday, November 8, 2020

A New Sink & Papa Pig's Castle!

We are planning on making some changes in the backyard, but due to the weather we probably won't get those projects finished until springtime. We did go to Lowe's and buy some of the materials that we'll need just in case we end up with a nice weekend that allows us to work. While we were at Lowe's I wandered over the kitchen sink section and found the sink I wanted. Michael told me to buy it, but I decided it was silly we didn't really need a new sink...I just wanted a new sink. 

A few weeks later, we were in Lowe's because our shower had started leaking and Michael needed to buy materials to fix it. I wandered back to the kitchen sink section and decided that yes...I'd like to buy the new sink. 

Michael had to finish up fixing the shower so he wasn't able to install the sink for a little over a week.

On Saturday, October 10th was install day! It was a bigger sink than our old one so Michael had to make the hole bigger so it could fit. 

At first I had been looking at the cheaper stainless steel sink that was one big hole. I've wanted a one hole sink for a long time. I have some bigger cookie sheets and it's awful trying to wash them with the two smaller separate holes. I always end up dumping water all over the floor. Plus I hated it when the kids would put their dishes in the left side of the sink with food on their plates. The right sides was where the garbage disposal was. I would tell the kids to put their food in the right side, but they are kids and they would forget and then I'd have to scoop out yucky soggy food from the left side to the right side. Now with one big sink I don't have to worry about those things. I changed my mind on going with stainless steel once I saw this beauty. I'm not sure what the material is, but it's like concrete. We've always had stainless steel sinks and I love how they can shine, but they can also dent and scratch. This sink is definitely not going to dent or scratch. Plus I love that it's more square inside. Most stainless steel sinks are rounded on the bottom so you lose out on space at the base of the sink. 

I don't think we could fit a bigger in our cabinets. 

Of course it gave Michael some troubles....he had to change the plumbing from two drains to one and then trying to re-install the garbage disposal was a pain. It is nice now that there's only 1 drain I actually had a bit more space under the sink for my cookie sheets fit. 

I also love the color. Our dishwasher is the brushed stainless steel color and we hope to change out all the appliances one day to be that same color. I love that the sink will just blend right in. 

It's 9 inches deep! I swear we bathe Zeke in this sink! It's huge!! I can completely lay down my biggest cookie sheets and wash them no problem! 

Side Note: We got our half of cow and now my freezer is full of meat! We love the meats!!!! 

And just for smiles....enjoy Owen's Papa Pig Castle he created the other day. 

The overview of the long hall leading to Papa. 

The inside view of the long hallway leading to Papa. 

Papa Pig on his throne! 

Then Owen decided there wasn't enough defensive measures.

The solders posted out front...confronting Red. 

The new view of the hallway. 

The ice wall protecting Papa Pig! 

Papa Pig protected by the indestructible ice wall. 

I love his imagination!  

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